視認性の高いアイコンをモチーフに用いて絵画に落とし込み、絵画と鑑賞者との間に起こる” ずれ” を長い年月をかけて大きくしていく試みのシリーズ。
現代において視認性が高いアイコンでも10 年後、100 年後では大きく視認性が薄れていく可能性がある。モチーフの記号性が薄れていった絵画の行く先は何なのだろうか。

ICON" is a series of paintings using highly visible icons as motifs in an attempt to increase the "gap" between the paintings and the viewer over a long period of time.
The series is an attempt to increase the "gap" between the painting and the viewer over a long period of time.
Even icons that are highly visible today may become less visible 10 or 100 years from now. What is the destination of paintings in which the symbolism of the motifs has faded?